$500 Referral Gift!

Know someone who wants to buy or sell or renovate their home? Refer them to us to get $500*.

The prospective clients can contact us, or you can give their contact info to us via our contact page or text us at 425 583 2281.

*$500 only distributed after the sale or contract has been completed successfully.


Referral: Contact us, with contact information (name and number or email ) of prospective clients.

Client: Tell us the name and number of person whom referred you in order for them to get their referral money after sales have been completed and closed in whole.

Terms and Conditions

*Referral gift only applicable after client sale of buying or selling or construction project has been completed successfully and closed. Successfully means, the clients house needs to be sold, or the new house must be bought, or construction project must be under contract. All referrals only valid if Krsco REI LLC Team makes a successful deal/sale with the client that you referred. Client must give information and name of person who referred them to us before the sale has been completed and must tell us upfront.

Only one referral bonus given per sale, first person to refer the client, and if sale is completed successfully, receiving the $500 bonus regardless of how many people contacted.